- Pieri, Zacharias. 2019. Boko Haram and the Drivers of Islamist Violence. London & New York: Routledge.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2015. Tablighi Jamaat and the Quest for the London “Mega-Mosque”: Continuity and Change. London and New York: Palgrave.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2012. Tablighi Jamaat in Britain. London: Lapido Media
London: Lapido.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2021. “Tablighi Jamaat”, in Upal, Afzal and Cusack, Carole (eds.). ,Islamic Sects and Movements. New York: Brill. pp. 26-50.
- Hassan, Idayat., and Zacharias Pieri. 2018. “The Rise and Risks of Nigeria’s Civilian Joint Task Force: Implications for Post-Conflict Recovery in Northeastern Nigeria”, in Zenn, Jacob (ed.), Boko Haram Beyond the Headlines: Analyses of Africa’s Enduring Conflict, West Point: Combating Terrorism Center (view PDF ).
- Zenn, Jacob., and Zacharias Pieri. 2018. “Boko Haram” in Silke, Andrew (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Oxford and New York: Routledge.
- *Pieri, Zacharias and Jacob Zenn. 2017. “The Boko Haram Paradox: Ethnicity, Religion, and Historical Memory in Pursuit of a Caliphate”, in Hentz, James and Hussein Solomon (eds.), Understanding Boko Haram: Terrorism and Insurgency in Africa. New York and London.
- *Pieri, Zacharias and Atta Barkindo. 2016. “Muslims in Nigeria: Between Challenge and Opportunity”, in Mason, Robert (ed.), Muslim Minority - State Relations: Violence, Integration and Policy. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan (view PDF ).
- Serrano, Rafael and Zacharias Pieri. 2014. “By the Numbers: The Nigerian State’s Efforts to Counter Boko Haram” in Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine (ed.), Boko Haram: Islamism, Politics, Security, and the State in Nigeria, Ibadan, Leyden, IFRA-Nigeria, Leyden University Press, Waposo Series, N°2.
- Pieri, Zacharias., Fox, Mary-Jane., Lahoud, Lily., and Jacob Zen. 2023. “Boko Haram’s Child Soldiers: Media Mujahids, Martyrs, and Militants.” Terrorism and Political Violence. Advanced Online Copy, May 22.
- Pieri, Zacharias and Jessica Grosholz. 2021. “Soldiers of the Faith: A Comparative Analysis of White Power Songs and Islamic State Nasheeds.” Deviant Behavior. Advanced Online Copy, October 27.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2021 “Islamic State in the Maghreb”. Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of African History.
- Grosholz, Jessica, and Zacharias Pieri. 2020 ‘“A Skinhead at Heart with a Hate-Filled Mind’: Understanding The Themes Present in White Power Music”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Advanced Online Copy, December 30.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2019. “Daily Ritual, Mission and Transformation of the Self: The Case of Tablighi Jamaat”, NUMEN: International Review for the History of Religions. 66(4): 360-380 (view PDF ).
- Pieri, Zacharias., and Jacob Zenn. 2018. “Under the Black Flag in Borno: Experiences of Foot Soldiers and Civilians in Boko Haram’s ‘Caliphate’”, Journal of Modern African Studies. 56(4): 645-672 (view PDF ).
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2018. “Identifying Counter Radical Narratives from Within British Muslim Communities: The Case of “Muslim Patrol”” Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. 38(1): 39-56, DOI: 10.1080/13602004.2018.1432148 (view PDF ).
- *Zenn, Jacob and Zacharias Pieri. 2017. “How Much Takfir is too much Takfir? The Evolution of Boko Haram’s Factionalization”. Journal for Deradicalization. 11(3): 281-308 (view PDF )
- *Deckard, Natalie and Zacharias Pieri. 2017. “The Implications of Endemic Corruption For State Legitimacy in Developing Nations: An Empirical Exploration of the Nigerian Case”. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (view PDF ).
- Pieri, Zacharias and Jacob Zenn. 2016. “The Boko Haram Paradox: Claiming Dan Fodio for a Kanuri Caliphate”. African Security, 9(1) (view PDF ).
- Pieri Zacharias and Rafael Serrano. 2014. “Insurgency Prolonged: Nigeria’s Lack of Strategic Adaptation & The Rising Boko Haram Death Toll”, West Africa Insight, May, Centre for Democracy and Development, Abjua.
- Pieri, Zacharias. 2014. “Anyone For Tabligh?” Critical Muslim, 10, pp. 101-113.
- Pieri, Zacharias; Woodward, Mark; Yahya, Mariani; Hassan, Ibrahim; Rohmaniyah, Inayah. 2013. “Commanding Good and Prohibiting Evil in Contemporary Islam: Cases from Britain, Nigeria and Southeast Asia.” Contemporary Islam, 8(1):37-55 (view PDF ).
- DeHannas, Daniel and Zacharias Pieri. 2011. 'Olympic Proportions: The Expanding Scalar Politics of the "Olympics Mega-Mosque" Controversy.' Sociology, 45(5): 798-814. (view PDF )
- Githens-Mazer, J., Robert Lambert, Abdul-Haqq Baker, Safiyah Cohen- Baker and Zacharias Pieri. 2010. Muslim Communities Perspectives on Radicalisation in Leicester, UK, Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation: Aarhus Denmark. (view PDF ).
Media Articles & Engagement
- 2019 – The Hub USF, ‘Why is Civil Violence and Conflict Increasing?’. July 22 (with David Jacobson).
- 2017 – ABC News, Trump's directive on offensive airstrikes in Somalia could fuel terrorism recruitment, experts warn, 1 April.
- 2016 - Pieri, Zacharias. "What now for Tablighi Jamaat after death of leader?", Lapido Media, 20 February
- 2016 - International Business Times, "Presidential Election 2016: Guide To Candidates, Key Issues, Rules And Results". Interviewed by Morgan Winsor. 20 February.
- 2016 - International Business Times, 'Where Is Abubakar Shekau? Boko Haram Leader’s Absence Underscores Nigerian Military's ‘Failure’'. Interviewed by Morgan Winsor, 10 February.
- 2016 - International Business Times, 'ISIS, Al Qaeda In Africa: US Commander Warns Of Collaboration Between AQIM And Islamic State Group'. Interviewed by Morgan Winsor, 10 February.
- 2015 - ‘As St. Pete Pride interfaith service nears, some religious groups stay away’ Interviewed by Waveney Ann Moore, 25 June.
- 2015 - MISNA, ‘Boko Haram and Islamic State, Between Pledges and Reality’, Interviewed by Vincenzo Giardina, 13 March.
- 2015 - BBC World Service News: Newsday, Interview on links between Boko Haram and Islamic State, 9 March.
- 2015 -, ‘L’amenca Jihasista: Boko Haram se subordina a l’EI’. Interviewed by Marta Rodriguez, 9 March.
- 2015 - The Washington Post, ‘In New Beheading Video, Boko Haram may be taking pointers from Islamic State’. Interviewed by Sarah Kaplan, 3 March.
- 2015 - L’Adigetto, ‘Le elezioni più incerte della storia della Nigeria’. Interviewed by Di Marco Cochi, February 2.
- 2015 - Les Temps, ‘Et, pendant ce temps, Boko Haram continue ses massacres’. Interviewed by Christine von Garnier, 21 January.
- 2015 - MISNA, ‘Boko Haram: Jihad is Local’. Interviewed by Vincenzo Giardina, 16 January.
- 2014 - Pieri, Zacharias, 'Analysis: Forced conversion their only Hope?', Lapido Media, 16 May.
- 2014 - Canadian Televison News (TV), Live News at 8pm. Interviewed on Boko Haran and the Kidnapped Chibok Schoolgirls. 12 May.
- 2012 - Tablighi Jamaat and developments surrounding the “mega-mosque Project”, The Sunday Programme, BBC Radio 4, 9 December.